Carbon Capture Equipment Solutions

Climate change is impacting globally. Recovery and Re-use of heat can be achieved easily and at a relatively low cost through intelligent engineering of plant processes and utilities. Recovery of valuable thermal assets can be used in-house, by a co-located facility or exported for social and domestic community use.

The District Heating Unit captures waste heat from heat sources & heat generating facilities to reuse in other locations
Heat Recovery

From Small heat recovery packs to larger District Heating Units skids enable re-use of waste heat for beneficial heating purposes at alternative locations.

Each unit is specifically designed to optimise heat recovery and the efficient transfer of surplus heat energy to serve other heating demands.

Opportunities exist for effective heat capture from heat generation facilities and ground water.
Power generation from centralized Biogas Plants provides opportunities for agriculture to both reduce emissions and sell surplus energy back to the Electricity Network.

Co-location of surplus heat generators e.g Data Centres and heat consumers provides significant energy management and carbon reduction opportunities.

Contact us to discuss your Heat Recovery Projects in Ireland & further afield.